Critically important to the development of the fetus is the growth of the placenta, which is the fetus’s lifeline to nutrients and oxygen and its method of removing waste and carbon dioxide. As a fetus grows, its oxygen and nutrient demands become larger, and in response a normal placenta will also grow and will have increased blood flow to properly meet the developing baby’s needs. However, in some cases the blood flow into the placenta will not grow or will not grow quickly enough to meet the needs of the baby.
If the placenta has a reduction in blood flow or an insufficient increase in blood flow, it is called placental insufficiency and can result in permanent damage to the child. Because placental insufficiency is related to issues with blood flow, common placental insufficiency causes include blood disorders, diseases, and vascular problems.
Placental Insufficiency Causes Related to Blood Pressure
The study of placental insufficiency has revealed a strong link between high blood pressure of the mother and the insufficient blood flow into the placenta. Unfortunately, research still hasn’t discovered why high blood pressure has such a negative effect or how to treat the problem. Chronic high blood pressure, such as hypertension, is a cause of placental insufficiency, and so is high blood pressure that is caused by the pregnancy, such as preeclampsia. Not only can preeclampsia cause placental insufficiency, but placental insufficiency can actually cause preeclampsia to get worse and blood pressure to rise even higher.
Placental Insufficiency Causes Related to Blood Disorders
If a mother has bleeding disorders or anemia, there is a greater risk of placental insufficiency. In some cases, the actual flow of blood is sufficient, but because of anemia and other disorders, the blood is not able to carry sufficient amounts of oxygen and other nutrients to the fetus.
Scientists do not understand exactly why blood clotting disorders cause placental insufficiency, but research has proven there to be a strong link between hemophilia A and B and placental insufficiency. Additionally, mothers who take medications that thin the blood are also at heightened risk of placental insufficiency.
Other Placental Insufficiency Causes
There is strong research proving that smoking and drug use can cause placental insufficiency. Maternal smoking has been linked to a number of placental injuries and problems, but its exact effect on the blood and blood flow are not completely understood. Other drugs such as cocaine also have similar effects on blood flow and the placenta’s ability to provide sufficient nutrients to the fetus. Diabetes is also recognized as one of the common causes of placental insufficiency.
Placental Abruption
Placental abruption is one of the best documented placental insufficiency causes. The placenta is held in place on the uterine wall and receives oxygen and other nutrients through a network of blood vessels that connect the placenta with the mother’s circulatory system. When the placenta is not properly attached to the uterine wall or if it detaches from the uterine wall, its ability to provide nutrients to the fetus is reduced significantly. With decreased blood flow, the fetus may develop more slowly, suffer from stunted growth, or have malformation of organs.
It’s important that placental insufficiency is discovered early on by medical staff. If it is not detected, there are increased risk of preeclampsia, premature labor, placental abruption, and intrauterine growth retardation. Unfortunately because there are so many different causes of placenta insufficiency, it is sometimes difficult to determine how it can be stopped or reversed. Examination of the mother’s blood pressure, diet, and drug use can help the medical staff isolate the primary cause and provide treatment.